Q1.Please indicate your Nationality, sex, age, and occupation.
RequiredNationality / Region

Q2.How many times have you been to Okinawa Prefecture and Okinawa City, including this time?
RequiredOkinawa Prefecture
RequiredOkinawa City

Q3.Please indicate the number of overnight stays on this trip as a whole, the number of overnight stays in Okinawa City, and the name of the facility where you are lodging in Okinawa City.
RequiredNumber of stays on this trip as a whole
RequiredNumber of overnight stays in Okinawa City
RequiredName of the facility where you are lodging (in Okinawa City, multiple response permitted)

Q4.Who is accompanying you on this trip, and how many people are in your group in all?
RequiredPersons accompanying you
RequiredTotal number in your group

Q5.What is the reason for your visit to Okinawa City on this trip? (Select all appropriate responses)

Q6.What source of information or medium occasioned your trip to Okinawa City? (Select all appropriate responses)

Q7.What place did you visit in Okinawa City on this trip? (Select all appropriate responses)

Q8.What means of transportation did you use in Okinawa City on this trip? (Select all appropriate responses)

Q9.On this trip, what places did you visit before visiting Okinawa City, and what places do you intend to visit after visiting Okinawa City?
RequiredPlaces visited before Okinawa City
RequiredPlaces visited after Okinawa City

Q10.Please indicate the approximate level of spending per person on this trip (including intended spending from now on).

Please let us know how much you expect to spend in this trip.

RequiredIs this trip a package tour?
RequiredSelect all items that are included in the package tour.
RequiredHow much are you spending for the following items in Okinawa City?(*Excluding items included in the package tour)
Drinks and entertainment
Souvenirs & shopping
Facility admission, leisure activities, and experiences

Q11.Please indicate your degree of satisfaction with your stay in Okinawa City(on a scale of 1 - 5, select the appropriate number.)

Select "Not applicable" for items not used or experienced.

  • 1 = Extremely satisfied
  • 2 = Fairly satisfied
  • 3 = Neutral
  • 4 = Fairly unsatisfied
  • 5 = Unsatisfied
RequiredOverall rating
RequiredTourism facilities & experiences
RequiredScenery and city atmosphere
RequiredLodging facilities
RequiredDrinking and night entertainment
RequiredSouvenirs and shopping
RequiredEvents and traditional functions

Q12.Would you like to visit Okinawa City again?

Q13.Please enter any opinions or thoughts on tourism in Okinawa City in general.

This is the end of the questionnaire.

To submit your completed questionnaire, press the Send button.